Thursday, May 28, 2009



Where to start. I'll start with pictures, then explain. To the left here is the model I made of the shed with some working drawings. I have more pictures if anyone wants me to post them later. I presented this during my final presentation and I think it went well as I worked hard on all of this. The most difficult part is actually having this shed be realized. When I look at it and when I think about it, it's not just a design but something I know I'm soon to be making.. and it's very large. I've never managed something nearly this big or complicated. I'm getting a lot of help, though, so after this step was finished many people have stepped up to the plate to help me out.
The shed as it was is posted on the right. I hate that thing and I'm glad it's now GONE. However, the morning of us destroying it was memorial day. You can see how it was just an eyesore compared to how nice our trees are and what will be a great backyard.

Now it's gone!

The pile it left is just.. inexcusable. The other half is in the dumpster (we got a recycling dumpster from New England Recycling by the way.) It's disgusting how they built the shed. They might as well have used as much lumber to build a micro house! it was just so much waste.

So I took lots of pictures of us breaking boards and ripping off plywood from the frame by hand or by sledgehammer but I'd rather not post all of them. The shed came down in two days and I had to spend all of yesterday resting with my right arm throbbing. It was very hard work for everyone who worked on it. A big thanks to my nephews Bobby and Jason, Kylie and Mom for helping keeping us stay fueled!, and Dad because sometimes you are like the hulk. Carly would normally get thanks but the picture up at the top says enough. Below, Carly and I attempted our first saw horse. I'll let you guys know what happens next.